From mental, physical and spiritual improvement to success in all endeavors of your life, our Navgrah (9 Planets) Puja and Navagraha shanti path can deliver fruitful result. We have the ability to conduct proper pooja with all rituals and correct mantras for all the nine planets. Navagraha Shanti Puja Benefits and Mantra to the people facing stuck ups in business and personal life.
we will organize the Nava Graha puja by our Puja and Anushthan Services on an auspicious muhurtam along with the inclusion of your name and nakshatra during the Sankalpa of the puja. An elaborate procedure will be followed as per the Shastras which will include the mantras of Vedas, Puranas, and the Agamas. All the planets (deities) will be individually venerated after kalashasthapana and invocation with the help of Shodasha Upacharas. Ancient Nava-grahasuktam, Surya Suktam, BrihaspatiSuktam and other Vedic hymns will be chanted along with Puranic stotras and mantras of the agamas. After the completion of this puja, you will be sent the sacred ash, kumkum, and prasadam via courier to your address. Along with this, you will also get a fully energized Navagrah Yantra (empowered during a special muhurtam) which should be kept at your puja place and worshiped regularly for a positive and prosperous life.
In Hindu scriptures, Navagrahas, the nine planets, are worshipped as they have the power to influence our lives. The nine grahas- Surya, Chandra, Mangala, Buddh, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu and Ketu, all affect different spheres of our lives, positively or negatively- depending on their position. To reduce the ill effects of the malefic planets and to solve the problems that arise with their transitions, Navgraha Shanti Puja is performed.
This puja has the power to counter flaws in the horoscope and enable a person to prosper in life in case astrological defects are the main blocks to his well-being. The homa is done to appease the nine planets i.e. the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. Every planet has its own importance. Sun is the king of planets which gives health. Moon is the planet which rules over mind and gives success. Mars or Mangala is the planet which gives prosperty and wealth. Mercury is the planet which gives knowledge, Jupiter gives education, Venus gives the knowledge of art, music etc. Saturn gives happiness and also teaches vairagya. Rahu makes the life stronger. Ketu prospers the family.
Bad times are attributed to the different Grahas (Planets) and their position in the current time. These Grahas can be appeased by performing the Grah shanti Puja. Navagraha homam is used to remove Doshas or reduce the effect by appeasing these planets.
-Is done to obtain navagrahas anugraha, even if they were placed in disadvantageous positions in your horoscope.
-By doing this puja, navagraha doshas are removed and good results will accrue.