Grahan Dosha Puja in Navi Mumbai

Grahan Dosha Puja in Navi Mumbai

Grahan Dosha Puja

When a person’s horoscope is having any of the following placements of Planets, there occurs a severe complication in the horoscope which is known as “Grahan Dosh".

When a person’s horoscope is having any of the following placements of Planets, there occurs a severe complication in the horoscope which is known as “Grahan Dosh".When a person's horoscope is having any of the following placements of planets, there occurs a serious problem in the horoscope known as "Grahan Dosha" :

When the Planet Sun and Rahu or Ketu are placed together in the same house or they are aspecting each other then it is known as SURYA GRAHAN DOSH

When the Planet Moon and Rahu or Ketu are placed together in the same house or they are aspecting each other then it is known as CHANDRA GRAHAN DOSH

These are very serious faults that are found in one’s horoscope & it is very necessary that they should be eliminated at the earliest by getting a puja done known as "Grahan Dosh Removal Puja". There is a lengthy list of problems arising due to this Grahan Dosh, a few of which are mentioned below :

• Complications in conceiving children, repeated miscarriages, children at home falling sick more often, and repeatedly conceiving a girl child are the situations faced due to this Grahan Dosh.

• There may be regular / repeated problems of unidentified origin at the house/ business leading to intense frustration.

• There is a unidentified of peace & harmony in the house / business premises & we feel negative vibes whenever we enter there.

• The overall growth of a person seems to have been suspended in spite of putting his/her best efforts.

If any of the above problems are nagging you, then we suggest you to get this Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja performed at the earliest either at your own place or alternately by our learned Purohits who are ready to perform this puja for you at our place. When a person’s horoscope is having any of the above described placements of Planets, they face a serious problem in the horoscope known as “Grahan Dosh".

The malefic or retarding actions of significant planetary influences has traditionally been regarded as one of the prime causes for lack of success and disharmony within the home. This Puja is performed to appease and correct whatever planetary imbalances may be prevailing in one's destiny. Satisfaction, Peace, spiritual wisdom, humane feelings and all round progress is what an be achieved through Graha Shanti Anushthan. This helps in building an environment whereby the positive ambience is created within the environment and helps in fulfilling of specific intentions. The positive vibrations keep the evil forces at bay and hence brings in propserity and happiness within the family. Astrology helps gain favorable influence from the planets. "Graha Shanti" as it is called, helps reduce the negative effects of our past karma as expressed through the agency of our "cosmic counterparts" in the form of the seven planets plus Rahu and Ketu.